
Slash Your Home Energy Bill by 60%
or More with RAYVA Solar
3 min read

Inflation is skyrocketing, gas prices are the highest ever, food costs are through the roof, and energy prices are increasing too.
Like many Arizonans, rising costs might have you wondering if going solar could offset that formidable summer utility bill.


The good news is, by combining home solar production with energy conservation practices, you can save anywhere from 60% to almost 100% on your energy bill. (Which means more room in the budget for other costs!)


Below, the Rayva solar team provides quick and simple answers to homeowners’ most-asked questions about saving with solar:


Q: “How will my solar work within the grid? Will I still get a bill from my utility company?”

A: Your utility company will still use a home meter to measure energy consumption. If there’s enough energy available, your power will come from the solar panels. If there isn’t, your power will come from the utility company’s grid.


With some plans, there’s even an option to send extra energy back into the grid that your panels produced! If you have a RAYVA system, the mobile app allows you to view these statistics and see how much power your system is producing over time. 


Q: “Will my monthly energy bill be $0 if I have RAYVA solar panels?”


A: Depending upon the size of the RAYVA system you choose and how conservative you are with your energy consumption, you may be able to achieve a $0 energy bill. Most customers typically offset around 60% of a home's energy consumption through the production of solar alone.


Let’s say your utility bill is on average $325 a month for a 5,000 sq. ft. home in Arizona. A RAYVA system would offset around 60% of that, so your average monthly bill would be reduced from $325 to only $130.


And that bill can easily be reduced even further by extra steps like turning off fans and lights when not in the room, bumping up the thermostat in the summer, using LED bulbs, and installing energy-saving appliances. You can also use smart home technology to automate all of this, which makes reducing your energy consumption as easy as possible. In the future, RAYVA Solar will also integrate with their all-in-one smart home energy system!


A: Definitely take advantage of rebates and tax credits to save as much as possible! In Arizona, you can get 25% of the cost of your solar panels reimbursed through the Residential Arizona Solar Tax Credit (up to $1,000 max). You won’t be taxed on the purchase of your solar system, either, because of the Solar Equipment Sales Tax Exemption. There are also federal credits available – here’s a great guide from that goes through various scenarios and options in detail. Additionally, and this is a bonus that is only applicable to building integrated solar, you can get tax credits for your roof when you have RAYVA solar installed.


Q: “How will solar offset my family’s carbon footprint?”


A: When you install solar on your home, you’re reducing the amount of fossil fuels the utility company would otherwise burn to power your home. If your solar panels generate more than what you’re using, you’re actually carbon negative at that moment, meaning your panels are producing and sending extra clean energy back onto the grid.


The more additional energy-saving practices you implement, and the more power your solar is generating, the closer you can get to being carbon neutral and achieving the not so far-fetched $0 electric bill! 💸



Excited for the future of solar? Follow along on RAYVA’s shiny new social accounts as they launch nationwide later next year.


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Copyright Rayva, Inc.  |  |  480.702.1102  |  Gilbert, AZ. 85296